Firefighter Bear (Silvertip Shifters Book 6) Read online

Page 7

  "Can we take the little path through the woods to Grizzly Point? That's a great place to see the sunset from."

  "We can go anywhere you want to lead me." His tone was easy but he squeezed his fingers against hers as they walked. She squeezed right back. His bear felt settled inside him, supremely pleased with the situation. Slade had to agree. It just felt so right, so natural, to be doing this with her. They'd wandered the large property of the lodge together at least a thousand times in the years they'd known one another.

  He hadn't let himself think, until right now, about exactly how much he'd missed it.

  They veered onto the little trail just off the road that curved through the woods, paralleling the road before it turned sharply east. Several hundred yards in it met up with one of the trails from the lodge that guests could access. A little wooden sign Slade and his brothers had erected years ago read Grizzly Point 1 Mile, with an arrow and the face of a grizzly bear stamped below the words. Just one of many little reminders to guests that although Silvertip Lodge was open to all kinds of shifters, they agreed to the rules and regulations of the lodge. That this was Silvertip country. This was Slade's clan's land, their stomping grounds, their home. They opened it to guests, as long as the guests were respectful while here.

  He and Ever strolled along the broad path, fingers still intertwined, the time just before twilight bright and clear and still warm with summer air, even at this elevation. He glanced down at Everly. Her long pants and pretty long-sleeved shirt that hugged her curves just right should keep her from getting cold on their walk.

  Even so, he said, “I'll make sure you don't get too chilly up here, ya weather wimp.”

  She laughed, the sound doing crazy things to his heart. “You'd better, big bear.”

  That did even crazier things to his heart. Things that just made him smile. Holding her hand, walking with her like they'd never stopped doing it, they wandered up the trail through the woods.

  Ahead of them, a group of guests came down the trail toward them, laughing and chattering amongst themselves. Slade picked out grizzly shifter from their scents. As they came closer, he vaguely thought one of the bears looked familiar, but he couldn't place the guy. He shrugged to himself. Since his cabin was up here at the lodge, he saw guests all the time. Many of them came for a week, some returning every year, loving the safety and openness of a mountain resort that allowed them to roam about in their shifter forms without any fear of being discovered by humans. He'd probably just seen the guy around the lodge this week.

  As they approached, Slade gave his best welcoming grin, nodding his head at them. "How's it going? Great night for a stroll."

  Always a good idea to be polite to the guests up here. If he wasn't, Quentin would somehow hear about it through osmosis or something, and he'd get a lecture from their in-charge older brother. Besides, Slade had no grief with guests. He was always polite to them.

  Though they fell quiet as they passed by, everyone in the group of seven or eight guests smiled back at him. He thought a few of them gave him an odd look. He probably had bruises showing up from the beating he'd just taken from Quentin. Beside him, he felt Ever stiffen slightly, then flinch. He understood that. She'd never felt really comfortable in the presence of apex shifters like these. Of course foxes were predators too, but they were smaller. And given Ever's ugly kithood of being shunned by total jerks, he knew she was always slightly wary. The whole “lesser shifter” thing still gnawed at her, and he knew it. But this group seemed friendly enough, smiling and nodding at them.

  As the group passed and went on their way, their voices picking up again in conversation, Ever murmured at him in a suddenly stark tone, “Come on. Hurry up. Don't want to miss the sunset.” She yanked at his hand, her entire body tense. She didn't look behind them.

  His bear surfaced. Something was off about Ever's scent. She smelled like…fear.

  It hit him with a shock that rocked him to a dead halt. "Wait a minute," he said. He could hear the flatness in his own voice. His bear was starting to snarl inside him. "Wait one fucking second. Did they only say hi to me? Did they just totally ignore you?"

  He looked down at his sweet little fox. Her lips were tight and unhappy, her eyes hooded. Oh, hell no. Hell to the fucking no. Spinning around, he started to stomp in the direction the other group had taken, opening his mouth to roar out something. Ever tightened her hand on his, putting her other hand on top of it, trying to jerk him forward on the opposite direction.

  "Don't," she said, her tone low. "Please don't. Just keep going."

  Complete understanding of what had just happened washed over Slade. A red haze of fury engulfed him, setting his bear to growling so fiercely inside him he could feel it rattling up his throat. "What the actual fuck. Those fuckers just ignored you right now, on purpose?” He couldn't stop the fury in his voice. “Were they shunning you, Ever? Those fucking bastards. I'm going to kill them." He pulled back against Ever's grasp, trying to free himself. "I'm gonna go after them and rip their fucking heads off, then I'll—”

  "Slade!" Her agonized tone stopped him, cutting through the red haze. "No. Don't. Don't let them ruin our evening. Please, can we just keep going up to Grizzly Point? Please? I just want to enjoy this evening with you." Her voice turned pleading even as she tugged back against him, her small self against his enormous bulk seeming an impossible match. But she didn't stop trying to pull him back.

  Someone Ever's size had zero chance of physically being able to make Slade do anything. But he let the desperate tone in her voice stop him. He didn't want her getting more upset. She was right. Letting those shitheads ruin their evening wouldn't do them any good. At least not right now, he thought balefully as he firmly tucked away the image of each of their snooty-assed faces into the back of his mind. He wasn't going to forget who they were.

  Slowly letting her tug him forward, away from the assholes who'd now disappeared around a curve, only the echo of their voices and laughter lingering, Slade took a couple of deep breaths as they walked on. His bear still raged inside him, wanting to get out and protect his mate. Defend her.

  "And stop crushing my hand." Ever wiggled her fingers in his, which he realized were definitely holding hers way too tight.

  He swore and loosened his grip. Bringing her hand up to his mouth, he kissed the back of it tenderly, holding it like it was a precious jewel. "Sorry. You know how much that's always pissed me off when shifter scum like them do things like that. Especially here at the lodge.” He scowled around the beauty of his home, which felt somewhat tainted at the moment. “We shouldn't even allow jerk-offs like them here."

  To his surprise, a small, delighted smile played around her mouth again.

  "That was a fast turnaround." Slowly, his bear settled down.

  She nodded and shrugged. "You just kissed my hand like I'm a princess. That's always going to make me smile."

  Slade felt softness bubble up inside him. She was right. Screw those jerks. He was going to focus on this time with Ever. "All right, then. I'll kiss your princess hand every day if it means I get to see your smile."

  Their previous relaxed mood seeming to be restored, they kept walking. Around them, birds slowly stopped chattering and chirping as they all found their safe resting spots for the night. Small nocturnal creatures of the forest were starting to make noises in the woods, rustling in the underbrush. The familiar, calming smells of his home soothed Slade even more as they walked. Yet he still felt troubled.

  "Ev, has that still been happening? Some jackass shifters treating you that way?" He paused as a flare of shame kicked at him. "I'm asking because I haven't been there for you the last couple years, so I don't know. But I should."

  Damn it, that had been so wrong of him. He never should have dropped out of her life like he had. Never.

  She was silent for a while as they walked into the encroaching twilight. He glanced down at her, wondering if she'd decided to abandon the subject, but she appeared to be thinkin
g over her answer carefully. Finally, she sighed.

  "Sometimes, yes. There are occasional online reviews for The Tank by some shifters warning others not to go there because it's owned by foxes. And I've been shunned a couple times in town by tourists. They never make a really big deal of it, but it's always obvious to me. So yeah. It's happened a few times since…" She paused. Quietly, she finished, "Since Jacob."

  Slade faintly grunted in response. He waited another moment before he dared to open his mouth, what with his bear growling like a freight train inside him. He wasn't sure he could answer her without growling out loud. Raising her hand one more time to let his lips graze over her knuckles, he finally murmured, "Well, screw those clueless fuckfaces."

  She snorted out a giggle.

  Emboldened, he went on. "If they have no idea how incredibly awesome you are, like any fox or any other quote unquote,” he said while also making air quotes with his fingers, even with hers still held by his, “lesser shifter is, well, then, it's their damned loss. Fucking fuckfaces," he snarled again, his voice dripping with scorn.

  This time, her sweet peal of laughter burst out loud. "I've always liked the way you've never tolerated that sort of bigoted behavior," she said. "I know you would have raced after them and threatened to tear their heads off if I hadn't stopped you. Thank you for caring that much about me to have wanted to do that."

  The trail was still wide enough here that she could loosen her hand from his and slip her arm around his waist, pressing herself into his side as they walked. Just the feel of her snuggled up against him made him puff up again with joy and pride. Sweet, sexy Ever was stronger and more secure than he'd known her to be before. He wondered if she realized it. Brushing a kiss on top of her head, he just squeezed her close to him as they walked.

  They ascended the last few hundred feet to Grizzly Point, slightly huffing and puffing at the abrupt elevation gain. But they both knew how worth it the effort would be. At the top, a stunning tapestry of natural beauty appeared, with the sun just beginning to set, casting stunning colors along the horizon and into the sky where a few clouds drifted along.

  Everly sighed in delight and contentment. "Ahh. I have missed this view so much."

  Slade made an agreeing noise as they stood looking out over the spectacular view up here at Grizzly Point. He pulled her to him, holding her against the front of his body, nestled into his arms. Safe and sound.

  The San Juan Mountains spread out before them with their dramatic peaks and broad valleys, forests marching out across each mountainside in a seemingly endless panorama of outdoor playground. From here they could make out the roof of the main lodge building in the valley just below them, as well as tiny dots Slade knew were some of the guest cabins and outbuildings. His gaze climbed over a ridge and dropped into another valley beyond. Deep Hollow was securely tucked in there, the bright silver ribbon of Silvertip Creek winding its way through the heart of the town. The sky was a deep, dark blue starting to border on purple, the glow of the setting sun brightening the western horizon. In the distance, an owl hooted as it contemplated getting ready to hunt when full darkness fell.

  Ever sighed and said in a dreamy voice, "This place has the best views anywhere."

  Slade agreed. With the warmth of Ever pressed against his side, he watched twilight softly spread over the mountains, creating shadows and deepening colors everywhere. For the moment, he had no desire to be anywhere else in the entire world.

  Eventually, when Ever finally murmured she was ready to go, they turned to make their way back down the mountain. Neither one of them was concerned about the deeper darkness that would greet them once they moved back into the shadows of the trees below. Even in the human forms, their eyesight would be good enough to get them back to Slade's cabin.

  The walk back was silent but completely companionable. Slade felt Ever's hip bump against his several times, and her fingers stroked the back of his hand. He glanced down at her a few times, enjoying the sweet, playful smile on her face, a promise of something dancing in her eyes.

  His breath sped up as he slowly figured out what she was telling him with her little glances. Ever's expressions were appreciative, her touches on his waist were sensual, questing. He breathed in her scent, flooding himself with her pheromones. Whoa. His entire body perked up as his dick suddenly surged to attention.

  Ever's fingers roamed down his back and began to play with the waistband of his jeans. He completely forgot to breathe for several steps as her fingers reached under to his naked skin, then slipped down far enough to stroke the top of his ass.

  He swallowed hard. "Okay," he said, the word more breath than anything else. “This way, my sexy little fox." He started walking faster, putting his arm around her waist as well to propel her forward more quickly.

  Her low, sexy laugh was all anticipation as Slade rushed them back to the cabin as fast as he could, heart pounding hard as a sweeping thought shot through his mind like a revelation.

  Everly was his, now and forever, and he was going to prove to her exactly how much that meant to him.


  Everly wasn't sure who exactly pulled whom into the cabin. She only knew both she and Slade were so focused, so needy, that nothing else in the world existed right then.

  Once they were inside, Slade kicked the door shut. Before he could even reach for her, she was already in his arms, trying to devour his mouth with hers.

  Greedy, she thought to herself as she tasted the sizzling zing of his lips against hers.

  Yup, and she deserved to be.

  He made an appreciative groan from deep inside his throat.

  Pulling back just enough so she could speak, she murmured, "No holding back. And no being scared."

  That made him pause. He pulled his head back a little so he could look at her. "Which one of us has been scared, all this time?"

  She put her hand on his face, winding her fingers through his sexy beard, tracing the outline of his mouth with her forefinger. He lightly kissed it.

  "We were both scared. Both of us. But I'm not scared anymore, Slade. I know you're not either. Because this is us," she said, almost fiercely. “Us. You and me."

  Her fingers now traced his smile. "You and me against the world?" Although he smiled, his tone was serious.

  Just as seriously, she nodded. "Absolutely. Maybe not against the world so much as in the world. Together now."

  Another groan shuddered through his chest. "I like that. A lot. But right now, I have to keep kissing you, little fox. I never want to stop."

  "Then don't," she whispered, her words swallowed up as he claimed her mouth again.

  She molded herself against him, running her hands over his incredibly broad back. She dipped them down again under the waistband of his pants, reaching far enough to be able to curve them over the sexy hardness of his ass.

  He gasped against her mouth. "Careful, little fox. If you keep doing that we won't even make it to my bed. And since this is our first time together, I really want to see you in my bed, right where you belong."

  The breath seemed to whoosh out of her body as he said that, every single sensation of desire dropping right between her legs, heavy and warm and so needy she could think of nothing else. "What if I said I want you right now? Right here, against the door?" Her voice shook and her thoughts were scattered. The only thing she knew for sure was that she needed Slade inside her. Deep inside her, where it would feel like he was finally making her his. When they joined together like that, somehow it would make it completely real.

  A guttural growl of desire rumbled from his chest against hers. When he spoke, his voice was ragged. "Ever, don't push me. I've been wanting this longer than I can even think. I've got to get inside you right now."

  Feeling completely bold and mischievous, Ever forced herself to pull away from him. His arms tightened reflexively, not wanting to let her leave. She could hear his breath hitching. With a sly grin, feeling her heart whacking against her chest so hard
she was surprised she could even talk normally, she cocked her finger at him. "Come get me, Slade Walker. I'll be waiting for you in your bed."

  With that, she neatly ducked under his arms, her small size for once in her favor. Grinning impishly, captured by both breathlessness and excitement, she darted across the floor and raced up the stairs to his bedroom. Behind her, she heard him laugh and say her name as his footsteps took off after her.

  Now laughing like she was crazy, feeling like they were back in high school up to silly hijinks playing ding-dong-ditch-em or something equally ridiculous, she flew down the hallway to Slade's bedroom, skidding on the hardwood floor at the turn left into his room. The sound of his thumping stride behind her only turned her on more, while at the same time making her laugh harder. He was laughing behind her from the hallway, sputtering out, "What the hell is so funny, little fox?"

  Ever whirled around and threw herself backward on his bed, sitting on her butt and leaning on her hands, still laughing hysterically. She managed to choke out, "I have no idea. I am so turned on and want you so badly,” laugh choke laugh, “but I think I'm also laughing because I'm so excited and happy,” snort giggle giggle hysterical laugh, “and I feel totally ridiculous right now."

  Slade had made it into the bedroom behind her and slid to a stop right in front of where she sat on the bed. Shaking his head, looking at her, he choked out, "You are the nuttiest, sexiest lunatic I've ever had the pleasure of knowing in my entire life, Everly Vos." Then he completely lost it as well, roaring with laughter right along with her.

  Ever kept laughing too, feeling it bubble up through her hysterically. They laughed together for long minutes before their fit finally subsided. Slowly, although the grin stayed on his face and she knew her own lips were turned up, the laughter stopped echoing in the room. Eventually, Ever regained control of herself. The deep, sweet desire still rolled in her, now coming right back up to the surface. Slade had stopped laughing as well, his eyes starting to burn with what she knew had to be the same desire she felt inside her.