Firefighter Bear (Silvertip Shifters Book 6) Read online

Page 9

  “Ha, y'all can forgive me now for jinxing us!” Mahon's cheerfully goofy face was split with a smile. “Pack it up, boys and girls. That storm is pouring down rain on the center of the burn.” He glanced down at the paper he held in his hand and read from it. “'All non-essential crews shall be transported back to their home base beginning tomorrow.' We've been cut loose. We're going home!”

  Pandemonium. Slade's heart squeezed tight, scrambling up to his feet as his crew cheered, then once again bustled into excitement, this time readying to head back to their home base.

  Home, where he could see Ever in person. Where he could finally tell her everything and clear his damned conscience. He was going to be a good man, damn it.

  Buoyant mood back, bear whuffling contentedly inside him, he leapt to his feet and headed straight to his tent to pack. He was going home, to his mate.


  Everly hummed as she cleaned up after the end of her shift. She was tired, but smiling nevertheless. Several texts from Slade all evening long had kept her entire body feeling zingy, slightly breathless and aroused. She'd been on top of her game, slinging beers, waiting on tables, greeting and seating and charming people as they flowed into the place all night in a steady stream. Now, at 10pm, which was their midweek closing time in their little mountain town where nothing stayed open past midnight even on weekends, she was humming to herself as she finished wiping down the bar as Tobias closed out the register. Carli and Lina, the other two servers, had left just moments ago. Both of them were due on for double shifts tomorrow, pulling both lunch and dinner, since Everly had the next two days off as usual.

  When the door opened, she glanced up, expecting to see one of them back to grab something she'd forgotten. But it was Slade, filling the doorway like a sexy mountain, his eyes fastened on her like he needed to taste every inch of her immediately.

  Her entire body flooded with heat as she dropped her broom to the floor, ignoring the clattering sound it made as she instinctively leapt toward him. A grin split his face as he opened his arms and strode toward her. They met in the middle of the empty dining room, Everly launching herself into his arms.

  He staggered slightly back, saying, "Oof!" But he still smiled as he planted a long, hot kiss on her.

  Grinning back at him like the fool she was, she demanded, "How are you here? You didn't tell me you were coming back home so soon."

  Slade leaned forward, inhaling her scent. She smelled him back. He smelled like wild bear, faintly tinged with smoke, sweat and exertion rising from both him and his clothes. But she didn't care about any of it. It was Slade, her man. Right here in her arms.

  "A really big rainstorm came in and immediately shut down significant parts of the fire. They didn't need all the crews there, so the ones most recently called in got cut loose." He eyeballed her, one eyebrow raised. "I made Nita swear not to tell you we were coming back. She seemed awfully interested that you and I seem to have a," he put up his fingers in quote marks, “‘good thing’ going on between us.”

  Ever smiled with delight, a laugh bubbling out of her. “She knows us both too well.”

  He nodded. “Yep. That's just what she said.”

  An angry voice suddenly cracked out from behind them. "Get the fuck out of here, Slade."

  Her mood suddenly dampened, Everly turned around to glare her brother. Before she could say anything, Slade pulled her toward him. Not even looking at Tobias over her head, Slade planted a searing kiss on her mouth that muddled her thoughts and made her wonder yet again if it was possible to literally melt just from the touch of his lips on hers. She softened instantly, twining her arms around his neck and giving herself fully over to the kiss. When he released her, they stared at one another for another long, breathless moment, promises leaping into both their eyes. Her fox twittered and skittered inside her, twirling with an excitement that Ever felt from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

  Behind them, she heard Tobias groan loudly. He sounded half angry, half frustrated. Smiling gently up at Slade, she turned around so she could see her brother, but she didn't step outside of her sexy bear's arms. Tobias may as well know now rather than later what was up between his sister and Slade. Even so, she braced for a battle and more yelling.

  Tobias folded his arms across his chest and glowered at them. "You've got to be kidding me. Great. Now we'll never get rid of you, you damned bear."

  "Tobias!" Ever started to reprimand him, but Slade lightly squeezed his hands where he gently held her against him.

  "How do you know you'll never get rid of me?" Slade asked, his tone calm.

  Tobias rolled his eyes and shook his head. Then he tossed his hands at them in an "isn't it obvious?" maneuver. "Because, dumbass, if that wasn't a kiss between two shifters meant to be mated, I don't know what it was."

  Everly sucked in a breath and stared at her brother. "How did you know?"

  He snorted. “The two of you have been dancing around each other since high school. It was obvious to everyone, you fools. Matey-mate mates. Super duper mates, for sure.” He nodded his head as Everly gaped at him. “Everyone could see it. Except the two of you, apparently."

  Crossing his arms in front of him, Tobias narrowed his eyes at Slade for a long moment. This time, Everly held her tongue as well as her breath. This looked like some sort of guy-to-guy communication going on. Finally, he huffed out a breath, loosening the tension in the room. "Slade, for all that I've been pissed at you for years because you made my sister cry when you basically abandoned her after Jacob disappeared, I do know you're a good man."

  Slade murmured, "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

  She watched as her brother pinned Slade with a long look. Then, his small smile returned. Slowly, she started smiling back at him. "Smarty pants. You're right, Slade's my mate, and that's never going to change." Just saying those words again thrilled every inch of her body.

  Tobias rolled his eyes, but he still smiled. "That's been more obvious to me and everyone else than the two of you for the longest time. Glad you both finally realized it." His voice softened. Then he waved his hand at the front door, turning away. "Ah, go on. Get out of here. You two make me sick with all your lovey-dovey googly eyes and kissing. Blech,” he said, miming gagging. “I'll finish up here."

  When Everly and Slade didn't move fast enough, he turned back and clapped his hands at them like they were stray cats. "Go on, now, shoo. Get out and go make your kissy faces somewhere else. I've got work to do."

  Her heart bursting with happiness, Everly grabbed Slade's hand and dragged him out the door.

  They plunged out the door into the quiet, nearly empty Main Street. Everly instantly clutched her arms and rubbed them, shivering. "Hold on. Need my jacket. Be right back."

  She whirled around, raced back inside, and pulled up short at the sight of Tobias walking toward her, her jacket in his hand. He grinned at her, shook his head, then pulled her in close for a quick hug before he handed the jacket to her. "I'm happy for you, Ev." He pulled back and gave her a stern look. "But if he ever hurts you, I'll kill him." Then he winked, turned around, and sauntered back into the office.

  Everly stared at his back for a moment, then chuckled and hurried back outside to her bear shifter. Slade put a warm arm around her shoulders, murmuring, "Good thing you have me around now. I'll keep you warm for the rest of your life, my chilly little fox."

  The rumble of his voice seem to add an extra layer of sizzling heat to her as they headed to her house through the quiet summer night. Heat that seemed to build with each step they took, as his hip bumped hers, as her fingers stroked his hand where she held it. When they reached the creek pathway, which was lit by lamp posts the entire way, they turned down it. Ever felt her heart pound harder as they walked by the creek, which tinkled and splashed as it rolled its way past them down the mountain. Quietly, because she didn't want to break the magical hush of the night, she said, "I'm really glad you're back. Even though you were barely gone
, I missed you like crazy."

  His hand tightened on her arm, stroking it. He made a sound of satisfaction deep in his chest. "Same."

  Walking along the bridge, Ever looked at the dark outlines of trees and the occasional light of the houses shining through them from the other side of the creek. Looking up at Slade, she felt almost completely overcome by his huge, solid presence beside her. Suddenly, she knew exactly what she wanted. She could tell from the way he looked down at her that he wanted the same thing.

  "Come on, big bear," she said in a tone that was still hushed but so full of all her longing she could see his eyes brighten in anticipation. "I need you right now."

  Neither one of them spoke as they hurried along the creek pathway, the quiet night around them filled only with the little breeze, the occasional call of nocturnal animals, the even less occasional sound of a car driving down a street somewhere in town. They turned down one of the pathways that crossed over the creek, going up Ever's street and straight to her door without saying a word.

  There they tumbled together inside her house, practically tripping over one another. Once inside she shucked her jacket, grabbed his hand, and pulled him right to her room. Turning around to face him, she could feel the intensity coming off him in waves. Drawing her to him, he growled, "Come here, woman. Need to make you mine."

  The heat in her body turned into flames, zinging along her nerve endings, making her feel more alive than ever before. Looking into his eyes, pulse hammering, she said, “Hard and fast.”

  His breath stuttered before he growled in response, pulling her close and kissing her like his life depended on it. Ohhh, yes. This would for sure be rough, hard, fast. They kissed so passionately their teeth scraped together, as if they were trying to devour one another. Everly moaned into Slade's mouth as his hands came down and cupped her ass, squeezing and pulling her closer to him. Oh, this man. This amazing man, who could be so tender and sweet and protective of her.

  But that wasn't what she wanted right now. She wanted to see his wild side. His rough side, demanding as much from her as she wanted to give. As much as she wanted to get from him.

  Their clothes came off in a flurry. Everly heard a button or two snap off her work shirt as Slade fervently ripped it off her. "Oops," he said, not sounding sorry at all.

  She started to laugh, but in half a heartbeat it turned into a gasp as he reached down and expertly unhooked her bra in the back, pulling it off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Then he dropped to his knees to feast his mouth on one breast with its erect nipple.

  Oh, holy Slade. Another gasp tore out of her throat. She tossed her head back and leaned her hands on his big shoulders for balance as he circled her taut nipple with his tongue, kissing and stroking and sucking it while gently fondling her other breast with his hand. Could she maybe have an orgasm just from this? Her entire body felt ready to explode.

  He abruptly scooped her up in his arms and took her to her bed. "Hard and fast, babe," he echoed her words, although his eyes held a question. Ready for her to say no if she wanted him not to.

  She fell another thousand notches deeper in love with him just from that gentle thoughtfulness, even though she could tell his entire body was primed to take her.

  Which was exactly what she wanted.

  "Yes," was all she said.

  He groaned and came down onto the bed with her, moving over her body on his hands and knees, licking and nipping his way up one side of her body, then the other. His tongue dipped in between her legs as it had done in her dreams every night since he'd been gone. She sucked in a shuddering breath, then babbled out words that didn't even make any sense. He blew a soft, warm laugh against her sex, gave it another stroke with his tongue, then moved his way upward, the sweet rasp of his tongue over her skin blazing fire over her stomach, her ribs, up to her breasts.

  His fingers found their way into her wetness, two fingers pushing in, swirling inside her, stroking in such a way that she arched off the bed, her voice half scream, half gasp. Her thoughts scattered into the atmosphere, hands clutching at the sheets. Slade kissed her collarbone, her shoulders, then kissed and sucked her neck hard enough she abruptly giggled. "Gonna give me a hickey, big bear," she whispered.

  To that, he just snarled a soft, possessive reply. "It'll show the world you're mine."

  Oh, yes. Her entire body melted and exploded at once with the promise of those words.

  "Fast," she ordered him, reaching her hands up to grab his head so she could look right into his eyes. They glowed bright with his bear. She mashed her mouth on his for a second, teeth clashing, diving in with her tongue. Just as quickly, she pulled back to again demand, "Fast. Now."

  Oh, the expression on his face when she said that. So strong, possessive, so ready. So damned eager to take her the way she needed him to.

  "I'm at your command, little fox." His words seemed to thunder through the room. In a split second, he was inside her, thrusting hard and fast, making her gasps rattle in her throat. He didn't take his eyes from hers and she didn't look away either. This was hard and fast and lusciously wild, yet also filled with a depth of intense, intoxicating emotion that blew her mind.

  "Ah, babe," he groaned, slamming into her again and again. She met him stroke for stroke, her gasps matching his.

  Everly felt the shattering bliss spiral through her at the same time Slade roared her name. Then he reached down and bit her, his sharp teeth sinking into her neck as her cries filled the room. Waves of ecstasy pulsed over her as Slade released himself into her, his teeth still clamped onto her neck. In return, she sank her little fox teeth into him, claiming him right back. They pulled back at the same time, still joined, both still riding the incredible rapture of having claimed one another. Voice hoarse, shaking, Slade groaned out her name again, their voices dancing together in the room.

  Her mate. Claimed.

  As she thought that, the waves of ecstasy pulsing more slowly as they ebbed away, the two of them gasping into the still air of her room, Slade growled softly, "Mine. You're mine, Everly."

  She nodded, clutching him close, their bodies still melded together as that one pure truth seemed to shimmer between them, linking them together with a depth of joy and passion that made her entire soul sing.


  He held her as tightly as a drowning man might, stroking his hands over her body, worshiping her every inch. When he loosened his grip slightly and pulled back, looking into her eyes, her breath caught again at the softness she saw on his face. The naked openness, the punch-drunk thrill of being with her. That right there made her feel like she was ten feet tall. Slade, her giant shifter mate, looked as awed to have her as his mate as she was to have him.

  The sheer joy of it all made her laugh. That and lots of endorphins.

  Slade's eyes crinkled up as he gave her a dopey smile she figured was mirrored on her own face. “I missed your laugh, Ev. Your voice, your presence, your everything. Your sexy body,” he added, waggling his eyebrows at her and roaming his hands possessively over her ass. She laughed again.

  Then his face settled into something more serious. “I've always loved you, Everly Vos. I just didn't know how to say it. Now I do, and I'll never forget how. I love you, Ever.”

  She felt a lump in her throat. Wrapping her arms around him, she whispered those words back as firmly as she could. “I love you too, Slade Walker. Now and forever.”


  Everly made a tiny little snoring sound as Slade looked down at her. Stifling a laugh at how ridiculously cute it was, he whispered a featherlike kiss on her shoulder. She murmured in her sleep, a tiny smile lifting the edges of her mouth. He liked that.

  He quietly slipped out of the bed, padding around her room as he picked up his tossed clothing from the night before. Just looking at it flung all over the place made him bust out a cocky grin as he thought about last night.

  They'd claimed one another. A ripple of elation spun through him. Damn straight
that made him feel on top of the world. Damn straight it made him feel invincible, capable of anything.

  Turning around, he paused mid-stride when he saw Ev blinking her eyes at him, her mouth pulling into a big yawn as she stretched her arms overhead. Oh, pretty little fox. The covers had slipped down, exposing her perky little breasts. He sauntered over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

  She finished her stretch, caught his gaze, and giggled.

  "Sleep well?" he asked, reaching out to rest his hand on her hip.

  She nodded and made a happy little moan. “I can't remember the last time I slept that well. You're like a sedative, big bear."

  “Hey now." He reached over and very lightly smacked her sexy little ass. She yipped in startlement. “You trying to tear down my manhood already?"

  She wrinkled her cute little nose up at him, then smiled. “Never. It's much, much too big to tear down.”

  “Right answer,” he said with a gigantic grin.

  He leaned forward to kiss her, brushing his lips over hers with a gentleness that had her sighing. But when he pulled away, she studied his face in a serious manner. Her mouth opened, then shut. He watched as she opened it again, then once again paused.


  "Okay, little fox. Just spit it out, whatever it is.”

  Everly didn't answer for a few more moments. When she struggled to sit up, he moved over so she could. Pulling her legs up and tucking her arms around her knees, she startled him when she said, “I haven't been totally honest with you.”

  “Okay…” he said cautiously. His stomach thought about clenching, but the look on Everly's face wasn't that bad. He hoped.

  “The other day, when we hiked up to Grizzly Point.”

  “Yeah?” he prompted when she paused again. He reached out his hand to gently touch one of her legs through the sheets, keeping it on her so she'd feel his warmth, the solid strength of his presence.